The Sinistro Coast to Coast 10 Year Anniversary Robusto is a remarkable cigar celebrating the milestone of Sinistro Cigars’ decade-long journey. It boasts a meticulously crafted blend featuring a Dominican-grown criollo 98 binder and a filler containing tobaccos from Nicaragua, Pennsylvania, and Dominican piloto cubano and criollo 98. Wrapped in a Dominican Broadleaf, this full-bodied, medium-full strength cigar promises a truly unique and satisfying smoking experience.
-Mardo Cigars
Bought from – Mardo Cigars
Wrapper: Dominican Broadleaf
Binder: Dominican Criollo 98
Filler: Dominican Criollo 98, Dominican Piloto Cubano, Nicaraguan, Pennsylvania
Origin: Dominican Republic
Factory: Tabacalera El Artista
Aging (if any): None
Single (MSRP): $13.20
Box (MSRP): $132
Availability: Limited to 300 Boxes
Size: 5 x 52
Black and gold band highlighting the United States of America. Clean and simple
Rustic looking, some noticeable veins
Firm pack, no wrapper issues, draw is a little tight but manageable
Cold draw:
Cedar, earth
First third:
Red Pepper, sweetness, earth, leather, salty
Red pepper, sweetness, earth
Second third:
Sweetness, coffee, earth, leather, salty, chocolate
Not perfect, but no complaints
Wispy and thin
Final third:
Salty, leather, earth, potato chips
Red pepper, saltiness, potato chips
1 hour 15 minutes
On first light a shot of red pepper hits the back of my throat, catching me off guard a bit. A nice sweetness hits first to the palate, accompanied by earth and leather. The sweetness reminds me of the sweetness from a brownie, without the chocolate flavor… if that makes sense. About an inch in, a saltiness enters the mix to add a nice touch. As the second third begins a coffee note jumps in to compliment the sweetness and earth. The red pepper has now faded and the leather is minimal. The saltiness is in the background as well. Mid way through the second third a rich chocolate note enters the forefront; a very nice addition to the blend. On the tail end of the chocolate note is a slight dark cherry. Digging this second third. Enter the final third, and enter the saltiness back into the mix alongside the earth and leather. The chocolate and slight dark cherry has faded back. The saltiness reminds me of potato chips, Lay’s Wavy to be exact. The final third finishes off with that saltiness at the forefront along with the earth and leather. Dominican Maduro wrappers always intrigue me, as I feel they are not as common. Sinistro seems to blend them fairly well however, with this and the NV utilizing the Dominican Maduro. I’d rate this an 87. 5 pack worthy, and curious how some age on them will do. Not my favorite but not a bad smoke overall.
Result: 87
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